There is nothing more inspiring than being in a roomful of women focussed on making change.
The Law Society of Nunavut Access to Justice for the Prevention of Family Violence Stakeholder meeting united stakeholders from community organizations, government, and legal organizations, to collaboratively address family violence issues and initiatives in Nunavut.
Participants shared updates on the Law Society’s initiatives, including the Family Abuse Support Program Training Toolkit (for which I am excited to be the project lead) and the development of a comprehensive resource handbook. The GN (Govt of Nunavut) provided updates on potential legislative initiatives. Stakeholders shared information about their initiatives, including the rollout of an incredible app— Miinga —designed specifically for Nunavut communities to help them access programs and services.
Together, attendees explored barriers to service access, such as language and cultural challenges faced by Inuit people, provided valuable feedback to inform the development of these initiatives,, and fostered a community approach and an open exchange of insights. close partnership to identify pathways for enhancing access to justice and support services for individuals affected by family violence.
“Follow our paths bravely”
An Elder opened the meeting with a ceremonial lighting of the Qullik, the traditional Inuit lamp with a message that became the hallmark of our day- to follow our paths bravely.
I am so inspired by this work, and am incredibly proud to be part of the Law Society of Nunavut’s team in pursuing this work, by leading the Family Abuse Support Program Training Toolkit project to develop comprehensive, accessible reliable education and training materials to ensure the public and professionals involved in family violence cases have the tools they need to better address family violence in Nunavut. I am excited to be a part of this important work– and follow our paths bravely.
The meeting was hosted at the gorgeous new Inuusirvik Community Wellness Hub in Iqualuit–and innovative, community based space that is doing such great work and supporting such important resources. The building has won awards for design… and is lovely. Such a beautiful addition to the community.
Law Society of Nunavut Access to Justice for the Prevention of Family Violence Campaign
In the spring of 2019, the Law Society of Nunavut and Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada (Pauktuutit) joined forces to undertake a project that would break the silence on family violence in Nunavut.
This project involved a research study that would inform a follow-up awareness campaign on the Family Abuse Intervention Act (FAIA).
The goal of this project was to understand the legal barriers and needs of Inuit women dealing with family violence in Nunavut.
With guidance from an advisory committee and with the support of both government and community-based partners, Pauktuutit and the LSN aimed to better understand the effectiveness of the Family Abuse Intervention Act (FAIA)
Together, let’s break the silence on family violence and abuse in Nunavut
Find out more about the Law Society initiatives here.
Family Abuse Support Program Toolkit and Training
The GN and LSN have agreed to collaborate on the principle of piliriqatigiinniq to develop a Family Abuse Intervention Act [FAIA] / Family Abuse Support Program Toolkit and Training
The aim of the Toolkit & Training Project is to simplify FAIA-related processes (Emergency Protection Orders and Community Intervention Orders) and other abuse support processes (Peace Bonds) by developing standardised, comprehensive, and easy-to-use resources designed with the end-user in mind.
I am proud to be leadng this inspiring and important project to bring practical and helpful resources to the public and the professionals working to help combat family violence in Nunavut. And delighted to work with such a fantastic group of women over this last week in Nunvaut to further this work.
Michelle Kinney Law is proud to offer Legal Education and Law Reform Consultation Services
Michelle has extensive experience with carrying out law reform initiatives, including legislation and policy changes respecting family law, family violence and access to justice, as well as legal writing and legal education projects. Michelle provides consulting services and advice to governments, legal educators, and fertility or legal service providers on an hourly or contract basis. Please contact Michelle Kinney Law directly about these services.