Express Mediation is a new process developed by Michelle to fill a gap she saw in legal services available to separating folk.
Express Mediation is a condensed, simplified, speedy and cost-effective option for those separating who mostly agree and therefore do not need a full-on process with all the bells and whistles, but do need some help sorting out the details. Express Mediation is generally a self-represented process, so the parties attend without legal counsel. They are however encouraged to seek Independent Legal Advice.
In Express Mediation, Michelle can help the parties to effectively resolve their outstanding matters in an expediated process. If they come to an agreement, she can then draft the terms into a binding separation agreement– at a reduced cost.
Express mediation is only for situations where the parties want to cooperate and are not in a high-conflict scenario and do not have highly disputed facts or positions. Michelle also offers regular and more fullsome mediation services for families that need more help, and have more complicated disputes.
After years as a family lawyer, Michelle firmly believes that the adversarial court process is rarely the best place for families to resolve their disputes, except where there is very high level of conflict or violence. Families are usually better served by processes that help them retain agency over their lives and preserves relationships, where they can resolve their disputes with workable solutions and reduced negativity.
Michelle is both an experienced family lawyer and a trained family law mediator and arbitrator.
As a lawyer, she can help inform your joint discussions at mediation by providing legal information and perspective. When agreement is reached, Michelle can draft your enforceable separation agreement, which only a lawyer can do. As family law arbitrator, Michelle also has the ability to provide finality and a binding decision, where necessary, and if requested by both parties.
By merging these skills and services, Michelle offers a streamlined and flexible approach to resolving your family law disputes. She provides clients a one-stop service, with flat-rate packages, in a process that is tailored to the family’s needs and is faster and less costly than court.
Michelle is committed to making your process considerate, respectful, efficient and focussed. She will ensure all voices are on the table, while also taking a proactive and solution-based approach with a focus on finality and workable outcomes. Through this process, families, particularly those that must continue working together for their children in the future, can find peace and resolution after challenging times.
Michelle offers regular and more fullsome mediation services for families that need more help, and have more complicated disputes. She also offers mediation services for cohabitation agreement negotations and fertility law disputes.
In order to promote access to justice for low income families, Michelle may take legal aid mediations where one of the parties has legal aid through BC Legal Aid, Nunavut Legal Aid or other eligible program. Michelle’s posted flat-rate model does not apply in legal aid cases, and will be charged hourly to comply with legal aid coverage. Note: only the client with legal aid will be processed through legal aid, the other party will pay their half of the regular rate. Contact Michelle for more information at